After 29 years of reporting, my book The Menendez Murders has finally been released.
I’m happy that I can share my work with everybody in the U.S. and around the world who remain fascinated by the case.
It was great fun to hold a discussion, answer questions, and sign books Sunday at the legendary Book Soup on the Sunset Strip.
Book Soup opened in 1975 and it’s one of the largest brick and mortar bookstores left in L.A.
Jose Menendez used to have an office in the building next door where the headquarters of Carolco Pictures was located.
Menendez was hired to run LIVE Entertainment, the home video division of Carolco – the producers of the Rambo and Terminator movies (as well as Sharon Stone’s classic Basic Instinct.)
The Hollywood memorial service for the Menendezes was held less than a mile away at the Directors Guild of America.
Book Soup had me sign about a dozen copies which are available in their “true crime section.” I appreciate everybody who was there to support me including to Juror #9 Hazel Thornton, Mary Carrig, an actor from the cast of Law & Order True Crime, and Joan VanderMolen, the sister of Kitty Menendez.