There were two major developments this month: a Menendez and Andersen family news conference for relatives that wanted Lyle and Erik to be released immediately and the decision by L.A. County DA George Gascón to initiate a process to resentence the Menendez brothers.

Guardian UK:

Attention intensified in the last year and a half, particularly due to two major developments – a recently surfaced letter written by Erik before the killings that corroborated his allegations of abuse, and testimony by Roy Rosselló, a former member of the band Menudo who said he was abused by Jose Menendez in the Peacock documentary ‘Menendez + Menudo: Boys Betrayed.’ The brothers filed a habeas petition in response to the new evidence in 2023 challenging their convictions as unconstitutional, but there was no movement until this year.

After the ‘Monsters’ Netflix series by Ryan Murphy (which was described by the family as a “grotesque shockadrama”) and a Netflix Menendez documentary, calls began pouring into the Los Angeles DA’s office. The series was powerful for Erik and Lyle, said Neama Rahmani, a former federal prosecutor who has followed the case. “With the Netflix series, all the media attention, people are talking about it on social media,” he said. “All the sudden there’s a lot of public support for Erik and Lyle, support they never had.”

Gascón said his office would review new evidence – the letter from Erik and the allegations by the band member – and decide whether the brothers, now 54 and 56, should be considered for resentencing or a new trial. A request for resentencing can only be initiated by a judge or the prosecutor, not the defense, Rahmani said.

A large group of relatives publicly called for their release, and said they had been abused and vilified.

“It became clear that their actions – while tragic – were the desperate response of two boys trying to survive the unspeakable cruelty of their father,” said Joan Andersen VanderMolen, Kitty Menendez’s sister.

Here is the complete family news conference (starting at 17:45 in):

And here is a video of the complete Gascón news conference (54:40 in).

Guardian UK:

When Gascón announced his decision to recommend resentencing Oct. 24, he said he believed the brothers were “subjected to a tremendous amount of dysfunction in the home, and molestation”.

“They have been in prison for nearly 35 years. I believe that they have paid their debt to society.”

While in prison, they have earned college degrees and served as mentors and caregivers, he said. Family members of the brothers hailed the decision. “This decision is not just a legal matter – it is a recognition of the abuse my cousins endured,” said Karen VanderMolen, a cousin of the brothers and Kitty’s niece.


George Gascón’s re-election bid was defeated in November and he was succeeded by Nathan Hochman.

Hochman can delay the resentencing process initiated by Gascón but the final decision on the habeas corpus petition and the resentencing will be made by two Superior Court judges.

California’s Parole Board will likely have Lyle and Erik Menendez testify about their rehabilitation before the judes make a final ruling.

Menendez, Andersen familes want brothers freed; L.A. DA initiates resentencing process
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